Health Equity

There are many things that can impact your access to quality health care. All people should have a chance to reach their best health. The color of your skin, your gender, how much money you make, where you live, what language you speak, your sexual orientation or any other way you identify should not impact the quality of care you receive. This is known as health equity.

Some groups of people have a harder time getting the care they need than others. This is health inequity. Sometimes this means that these groups experience disease or health issues at higher levels than those who get the care they need. When health equity is achieved, those affected most by gaps in care can reach better health outcomes.

We want to ensure health equity for all. We make sure to review member outcomes to see if there are differences that may be unfair. We work to come up with solutions to fix those differences. We also like to hear from our members. We may ask you questions that can help us give the best care and experience.

You are one-of-a-kind and we want to make sure you have one-of-a-kind care for you and your family. That’s Health Care with Heart®.
